Cards Against Humanity on Discord


Lots of friends?

Lots of friends?

You probably don't have 50 friends - But if you did, you can play with every one of them at the same time

2000+ cards

2000+ cards

Enjoy games with over 2000 cards, written for you to insult others



Customise every setting of your game and be as pedantic as you wish

Patience is a virtue

Patience is a virtue

But you don't have a lot of it - Your friends may be slow at picking cards, but you don't have to live with it



Replace your worst cards with new ones because "The bot is unfair and always gives me the worst cards and everyone else is better at the game than me"


$getprefix Shows the bots prefix in the current server.
$info View some information about the bot's owners.
$stats Shows the bot's current statistics.
$ping Gets the current response time of the bot.
$terms List all the terms and conditions for the bot.
$setlanguage Set what language you want to use for your packs.
$packs Shows a list of packs available in your language.
$play Starts the game.
$join Joins an active game in the channel. This can be during the 1m period when starting a game, during the game.
$leave Removes the player who ran it from the current game in that channel.
$shuffle Reshuffles your cards.
$end Ends the current game in that channel.
$help Shows all commands.




Invite GPS to your server